
Applify cases people behind laptop

Conneqt distributes mortgages for investors using a channel of independent financial advisors


Dela and Applify case

Rental app based on hybrid technology


Applify image of man

E-invoicing SAAS application with workflow for processing of invoices

DGMR Software

Applify staatsbosbeheer

Code review, troubleshooting and performance improvement of complex time-consuming calculations

Delta Lloyd

School die werkt met Applify

Financial asset management data consolidation and quality

CSR Building Products

School die werkt met Applify

Extending the integration framework between the SAP backoffice and CSR Connect to support track & trace of shipments


Applify person woks behind laptop

Sustainable enterpreneurship website portal for all AT&T employees

Cleveland Cavaliers

Applify cases

Integrating the NopCommerce e-commerce application with the Gigya Identity provider platform and developing a plugin for sales of memberships

Shell Radiant Joint Venture

our team high five Applify

Architecture review and re-design of client-server-based application for modeling of oil and gas assets needed to be prepared for go-live to production.


A web-based platform for a health-care startup. The persistence and business logic are implemented using the CQRS paradigm.